Saturday, September 3, 2022

Crime Victim Compensation Program Assisted Nearly 1,000 Rhode Islanders in Fiscal Year 2022

More than $8.8 million in reimbursements provided to 7,933 Rhode Islanders since 2015

General Treasurer Seth Magaziner announced that the Crime Victim Compensation Program assisted 930 Rhode Islanders who were victims of violent crimes with expense reimbursements totaling $872,322.80 during the 2022 Fiscal Year.   

"We want every Rhode Islander who is the victim of a violent act to know that this resource is here to help them through some of the most difficult times in their life," said General Treasurer Seth Magaziner. "The financial impacts of violent crime on victims can be significant, and that’s why we provide this assistance – so those burdens don't solely lie on the shoulders of innocent people who experienced a traumatic event." 

Treasurer Magaziner has assisted over 7,933 victims of violent crime with $8,878,965.92 in expense reimbursements through the Crime Victim Compensation Program since 2015.  

Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence (RICADV) Executive Director Lucy Rios said, "This essential program helps survivors get back on their feet and provides some sense of normalcy after experiencing abuse and trauma. Survivors have shared how instrumental this support has been in some of the most difficult days of their lives as they pick up the pieces in the wake of violence. This program does not only support survivors of violence – it also provides access to counseling and mental health treatment for children who have witnessed abuse, which can have devastating and costly long-term impacts." 

"Every day, the RICADV’s member agencies rely on this lifeline while advocating for victims as they escape violence, find and relocate to a safe place to live, and receive services they need to be healthy, at peace, and rebuild their lives," she said.  

If you or a loved one has been a victim of violent crime in Rhode Island, the Crime Victims Compensation Program (CVCP) may be able to help.  

The Crime Victim Compensation Program provides up to $25,000 for expenses not covered by insurance or other resources:  

·     Medical, dental, and counseling expenses  

·     Funeral and burial expenses  

·     Loss of earnings (victim only)  

·     Loss of support (dependents of homicide victim)  

·     Relocation expenses  

·     Does not provide reimbursement for lost property  

To be eligible for reimbursement, victims of violent crime must file a police report within 10 days of the alleged crime and file a claim through the Crime Victim Compensation Program no later than three years after the crime. For more information about the Program and to apply, visit   

The Crime Victim Compensation Program can also be reached Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm by calling (401) 462-7655 or via email at