Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Allan Fung Continues to Pal Around with Extremist, Election Deniers

He takes their money and embraces their radical ideas 

Allan Fung continues to pal around with extremist election deniers like Steve Scalise, who is holding a fundraiser for him in Boston. 

Allan Fung has happily accepted $41,000 from GOP members of Congress who voted to overturn the 2020 election, and the New York Times revealed, he accepted an additional $25,000 from Antonio Raposa who was at the Jan. 6th insurrection.  

Scalise is one of the architects of Kevin McCarthy’s Commitment to America agenda, which puts Social Security on the chopping block, ends Medicare as we know it, and creates a nationwide abortion ban. 

Image credit to The Japan Times
"Whether it's Steve Scalise holding a fundraiser for Allan Fung, the $41,000 he took from insurrectionists who tried to overturn the 2020 election, or the $25,000 he raised from Raposa - what's clear is that Allan Fung cares more about lining his campaign pockets than he does about standing up for our democracy. We are calling on Fung to return the $66,000 dollars he accepted from insurrectionists,” said Communications Director Patricia Socarras.

This is the third election-denying House Republican Allan Fung has flown in to campaign for him. The others include Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Budget Committee Ranking Member Jason Smith (R-MO).  

Supporters are encouraged to learn more about Fung’s extreme record at and to follow Magaziner’s campaign on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.