The Science of Procrastination
Putting off a burdensome task may seem like a universal trait, but new research suggests that people whose negative attitudes tend to dictate their behavior in a range of situations are more likely to delay tackling the task at hand.
The psychological term to describe this
mental process is called valence weighting bias, which describes people’s
tendency to adapt in new circumstances by drawing more strongly from either
their positive or negative attitudes – or, in the context of approaching an
unpleasant task, whether negative or positive internal “signals” carry the most
weight in guiding the final behavior.
The Battle Between Positivity and Negativity
“And the question is, which wins that battle
– if, indeed, there are elements of both positivity and negativity?” said
Russell Fazio, senior author and professor of psychology at The Ohio State
In a series of studies, Fazio and first author Javier Granados Samayoa, a former Ohio State graduate student, found links between a more negative-leaning attitude and procrastination. They also found it’s possible to shift the weighting bias of strong procrastinators toward neutrality and reverse their tendency to delay a task.
“We’re looking at this consideration of the
positives and negatives that exist when people are making decisions, and how
valence weighting bias shapes which route people take,” Granados Samayoa said.
The research was published recently in the
journal Personality and Individual Differences.
Real-world Application: The Tax Return Study
The first of three studies tested a
real-world scenario: preparing a federal tax return.
“The idea is that people, at least for a
brief moment, are asking the question, ‘Do I want to do this now?’” Fazio said.
“And there really are both positive and negative signals: ‘I certainly don’t
want to do that. It’s an aversive task.’ That’s the negative signal. But then
there’s also a positive signal: ‘I’ve got to get it done and I’ll feel good if
I do it right.’”
A sample of 232 participants reported whether
they routinely filed returns early or late during tax season. With that data in
hand, Fazio and Granados Samayoa used a research tool to gauge the extent to
which participants weighed positive or negative signals more strongly when
encountering something new.
Their analysis showed an association between
a more negative weighting bias and a delay in submitting a tax return.
“What we find is that people whose negative
attitudes generalize more strongly tend to engage in unnecessary task delay to
a greater extent,” Granados Samayoa said.
Exploring Negative Weighting Bias Further
The second study involved 147 college
students in a program allowing them to accumulate course credit in exchange for
participating in research.
In addition to gauging the students’
weighting bias, the study explored whether students’ measures of self-control
influenced task-related behavior: How did students characterize their level of
motivation or capacity to mull over their initial thoughts about the research
program, and did that affect whether students got an early start on research
participation or put it off?
Results showed the combination of negative
weighting bias and self-reported low motivation or emotional energy for
effective self-control was linked to students putting off research program
participation by getting started later in the semester.
“The first study established the basic effect
of negative weighting bias, but study two provides some nuance,” said Granados
Samayoa, now a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania. “For
people who don’t think about it too much or can’t think about it too much,
their valence weighting tendencies guide their behavior in a straightforward
manner. But if somebody is more motivated and able to think more about it, that
might bring other considerations that dampen the influence of the valence weighting
Causal Effects and Positive Implications of Negative
Weighting Bias
Study three was designed to look for a causal
effect of valence weighting bias in completing or delaying a task. Students in
the research-for-credit program who were self-reported procrastinators and who
scored high for negative weighting bias were recruited for the study.
Researchers then manipulated the valence
weighting bias tool for one group in a way that led participants to weigh
positive and negative signals in a more balanced way. This shift toward
neutrality changed students’ behavior: They accumulated credit hours more
quickly than the control group, whose negative weighting bias and low
self-control reliably predicted their delay in securing extra credit.
Negative weighting bias can have a positive
effect on behavior, too. These researchers have also found evidence that a
negative weighting bias may help people be more realistic when they’re asking
themselves, for example, “Have I studied enough for this test?” A positive
weighting bias may lead people to convince themselves they’re ready when
they’re not.
“It’s better to be more objectively balanced
than to be at either extreme,” Fazio said. “But the situation where a
particular valence weighting bias is likely to be problematic is going to
Reference: “Do I want to do this now? Task
delay as a function of valence weighting bias” by Javier A. Granados Samayoa
and Russell H. Fazio, 3 December 2023, Personality and Individual
DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2023.112504
This work was supported by the John Templeton
Foundation and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.