Monday, July 22, 2024

Council meeting tonight

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Fellow Charlestown Residents,

We have a number of items to tell you about today!

CRU is pleased to announce our slate of endorsed candidates for town offices. Please read about them here. The candidates will be adding additional information in coming weeks.

Please come out to meet our endorsed candidates at our fundraiser on August 7. Register here for this gathering at the Charlestown Rathskeller.

The Charlestown Town Council will have their second meeting of the month on Monday, July 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Council Chambers. The agenda can be read here. Some important topics for the meeting are:

  • Andrew J. McQuaide has resigned from his position on the Chariho Regional School Committee. This will likely result in steps to appoint a replacement for the short remainder of his term, until the November election.
  • The Council will be considering applications for the Zoning Board of Review, to fill one full position and three alternate positions. Four applications have been received.
  • The Council will make final decisions on eleven Town Charter revision proposals to appear on the ballot in November.
  • The Council will discuss potential actions regarding State Land Use law amendments passed during the 2024 Rhode Island legislative session.
  • Last but not least, the Council will discuss selling Ninigret Park Troll T-shirts and other merchandise.

Please note that there will be a Town Council Special Meeting to continue discussion of the Ninigret Park Master Plan Update, on July 29, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Charlestown Town Hall, Council Chambers 

RIHousing and the Rhode Island Department of Housing are surveying Rhode Island residents to understand housing needs, challenges, and goals. Filling out the short questionnaire here will help them get the best understanding of housing in Charlestown.

The Naragansett Indian Tribe will be having their annual Pow Wow on August 10-11. All are invited for this enjoyable and educational event. Read more information here and here.

We hope to see you at the Town Council meetings and other events.

With Thanks,

Tim Quillen, Chair

Charlestown Residents United

Paid for by

Charlestown Residents United

P.O. Box 412

Charlestown, RI 02813

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