Saturday, July 13, 2024

Pope Francis defends democracy against fascism

Trumpers go nuts, of course

Pope Francis sounds a dire warning about democracy as MAGA-type fascism grows in strength around the world — and specifically warns against dangerous "populists."

Right-wingers are throwing a fit over this one...

"It is evident that democracy is not in good health in today’s world," said Francis, head of the Catholic Church, during a visit to northern Italy.

"Indifference is a cancer of democracy. I am concerned about the small number of people who went to vote. Why is it happening?" said Francis.

The pope compared democracy to a "wounded heart" that is vulnerable to dangerous corruption. He also explained that true democracy isn't just about voting, it's about ensuring that all people can participate.

The pope urged voters to reject "ideological temptations and populists" and embrace better cooperation.

"Ideologies are seductive. Some people compare them to the Pied Piper of Hamelin: they seduce but lead you to deny yourself," said the pope, seemingly referring to the fascism that is gaining popularity in the Republican Party and parts of Europe.

He encouraged voters to "move away from polarizations that impoverish.

While Francis didn't mention Donald Trump by name, MAGA fans are interpreting it as a direct attack. Conservatives already disliked this pope because they believe that he's "too liberal."

Sorry Trumpers, the truth hurts. You're on the wrong side of history.