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Monday, August 12, 2024

Labor leader Mike Downey of Charlestown died Sunday

Lifetime of service to the labor movement and Charlestown

By Will Collette

J. Michael Downey, Mike to his friends, died unexpectedly Sunday morning. Mike has been President of statewide Council 94 of AFSCME since 2005.

Mike, 70, was a dedicated lifetime trade unionist from a union family. His father was President of Plumbers Local 28 and his grandfather was President of Bricklayers Local 1. Mike headed up his own local union, AFSCME Local 528 at URI for almost 30 years. He held a master plumber’s license.

Council 94 said Mike "championed and promoted policies and programs to increase member participation within the union.  He expanded and enhanced the union’s political action committee and fundraising arm.  He worked tirelessly to protect members’ wages, working conditions and benefits.  He prioritized Council 94’s organizing program, adding new locals within the last few years."

Mike was also a powerful player statewide, serving on the state AFL-CIO Executive Board. Only days ago, a new 3-year contract agreement was announced for all public employees in the state.

Mike is also active in Charlestown as a former Town Council member and for years, chair of Charlestown’s Tax Assessment Review Board in Charlestown. 

Additionally, Mike is the Co-chair of Serve Rhode Island. He also served on the state’s retirement board and the board of the RI Institute for Labor Studies.

Announcing his death, AFSCME Council 94 Executive Director Alexis Santoro said, “It is with a heavy heart that I learned that J. Michael Downey, President of Rhode Island Council 94, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, passed away. Since 2005, Mike Downey provided bold leadership and constantly fought to enhance the lives of all working Rhode Islanders. Council 94’s membership extends our deepest condolences to his wife Claudette and their entire family.”