Thursday, September 26, 2024

Quarter-million to clean up Green Hill Pond

Construction Grant Award for Green Hill Pond Watershed

Town of South Kingstown

Friends of Green Hill Pond
Town staff actively seeks opportunities to treat water quality in our environmentally sensitive water bodies.  In recent years, staff has been focused on the Green Hill Pond watershed. 

Last month, the Town was awarded a $250,000 grant from Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE) under the Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Watershed Implementation Grants (SWIG24) to install water quality structures within the Green Hill Pond watershed.  

The design work and permitting for the structures has been ongoing for more than two years with much of the funding coming from SNEP and the Narragansett Bay Estuaries Program (NBEP).  

Our partner, Friends of Green Hill Pond, have been very supportive and have contributed financially to help with the required matching funds.  The survey, engineering and permit oversight was performed by Woodard & Curran.  

With matching funds, there is approximately $330,000 available for construction.  The work will go out for a public bid to qualified contractors over the next month and an award is expected in November.  The work for the new structure will begin in the spring and should take approximately three months to complete.  

SNEP and NBEP have been invaluable to our most critically sensitive environments and this newly provided funding will help to see this project through completion.  Should you wish to learn more about these organizations, please select SNEP and NBEP.  Other questions can be direct to the Department Of Public Services at 401-789-9331 x2250.