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Friday, February 28, 2025

Rhode Island faces huge MAGA cut to medical assistance

72,000 face loss of coverage as $3 billion in funding is slated to disappear

By Will Collette

New data from the Center for American Progress shows how much Rhode Island stands to lose under the budget package just passed by the MAGA Republican US House of Representatives just in the Medicaid program alone. We also face massive cuts to food programs like SNAP (Food Stamps), WIC and more.

Medicaid provides the life-saving safety net for almost a quarter million low-income Rhode Islanders. Under that new budget, about 72,000 are likely to lose that coverage as the MAGA budget takes away $3 BILLION in Rhode Island funding, our share of paying for the $1.5 trillion tax cut plan for America’s wealthiest.

Even though this is a terrible blow to Rhode Island, nearly all Trump-supporting red states face even worse cuts because red states are generally poorer and have far higher proportions of residents on Medicaid.

Despite ample warning that voting for Trump would bring harm on their heads, MAGA states essentially voted to cut their own throats. However, a majority of Rhode Islanders didn’t.

Usually, a news article like this would urge you to contact your Senator or member of Congress. However, our entire state Congressional delegation is already pushing back. If you contact Representatives Seth Magaziner or Gabe Amo, or Senators Whitehouse or Reed, I encourage you to thank them for their efforts and urge them to keep up the fight.