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Monday, March 3, 2025

From the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee


C-Town Dems News

March 2025

Charlestown Middle School Auditorium

 Please attend the Chariho District Public Budget Hearing on Tuesday, March 4th at 7:30pm in the CMS Auditorium. The public hearing is an opportunity to listen, speak out, and share your story, concerns, values, and questions. The voices of the public on March 4th will influence the continuing budget process on March 11th, which decides the budget that is then presented to voters on April 8th.


We're looking for people who live in Charlestown, Richmond, or Hopkinton to attend so that all three Chariho towns are represented.

Coming soon:
March Food Drive!


The RI Democratic Party is helping to ensure that no Rhode Islander goes hungry. Charlestown Dems will be helping this effort and will announce a drop-off and location to benefit the Community Food Bank later this month… please check our web site for info or subscribe below.

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The Charlestown Democratic Town Committee manages the affairs of the Democratic Party in the town of Charlestown, RI subject to RI Election Law, State Party rules and its own bylaws. We meet the first Wednesday of every month at 6:00 PM at the Charlestown Police Station. Any Charlestown registered Democrat is welcome to attend.