What could go wrong?
By Allison Macfarlane for the Bulletin of
the Atomic Scientists
Donald Trump, through his recent Executive Order, has attacked independent regulatory agencies in the US government. This order gives the Office of Management and Budget power over the regulatory process of until-now independent agencies.
These regulatory agencies include the Federal Elections
Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, the Securities and Exchange
Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission—and my former agency, the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which I chaired between July 2012 and December
An independent regulator is free from industry and political
influence. Trump’s executive order flies in the face of this basic principle by
requiring the Office of Management and Budget to “review” these independent
regulatory agencies’ obligations “for consistency with the President’s policies
and priorities.” This essentially means subordinating regulators to the
In the past, the president and Congress, which has oversight
capacity on the regulators, stayed at arm’s length from the regulators’
decisions. This was meant to keep them isolated, ensuring their necessary
independence from any outside interference. Trump’s executive order implies
there are no longer independent regulators in the United States.
Independent regulators should not only be free from
government and industry meddling; they also need to be adequately staffed with
competent experts and have the budget to operate efficiently. They also need to
be able to shut down facilities such as nuclear power plants that are not
operating safely, according to regulations. To do this, they need government to
support their independent decisions and rulemaking.
Independence matters. When I was chairman, I traveled the world talking about the importance of an independent regulator to countries where nuclear regulators exhibited a lack of independence and were subject to excessive industry and political influence. It is ironic that the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission—often called the “Gold Standard” in nuclear regulation—has now been captured by the Trump administration and lost its independence. So much for the Gold Standard; the Canadian, the French, or the Finnish nuclear regulator will have to take on that mantle now.
To understand what is at stake, one needs to look no further
than the Fukushima accident in March 2011, which showed the world how a
country’s economic security is vulnerable to a captured regulator. After a
magnitude 9.0 earthquake followed by a massive tsunami, the Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear power plant, with its six reactors on Japan’s east coast, lost offsite
power. The tsunami flooded their backup diesel generators, and the plant fell
into the station blackout, leading to the complete loss of all power on site.
With no power to operate pumps to get cooling water into the
reactors’ cores or into spent fuel storage pools, three reactor cores melted
down—the first within hours of loss of power—with a concomitant release of
large amounts of radionuclides due to containment breaches from hydrogen
Firefighters desperately tried to get water into the spent
fuel pool of Unit 4 to ensure that pool water did not boil off since the pumps
were no longer working. Should the spent fuel rods have become uncovered and no
longer cooled, the fuel’s temperature would rapidly increase, and the fuel rods
would melt, causing the release of even larger amounts of radiation material
into the atmosphere threatening the Tokyo metropolitan area. Fortunately, the
emergency workers got water to the pool within a few days of the fuel being
Nonetheless, 160,000 people evacuated from the area near the
reactors and along the corridor of radiation contamination to the northwest of
the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Overnight, the agricultural and fishing industries
near Fukushima were devastated. Within a year after the accident, all 54
reactors in Japan were shut down—a loss of about a third of the country’s
electricity supply. More expensive diesel plants had to be set up to compensate
for some of the missing power. The direct economic costs of the accident were
estimated to be on the order of $200 billion—and even that number excluded the
costs of replacing the lost power and multiple reactor shutdowns due to the
reassessment of seismic hazards. Nearly 14 years later, only 13 nuclear
reactors have been turned back on, and 21 have been permanently shut down. (The
other 20 reactors are waiting for regulatory and prefecture approval.)
An independent investigation by the Diet (Japan’s
house of parliament) into the cause of the Fukushima accident concluded
unequivocally that: “The TEPCO Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident was the
result of collusion between the government, the regulators and TEPCO, and the
lack of governance by said parties. They effectively betrayed the nation’s
right to be safe from nuclear accidents.” Japan’s government and nuclear
industry continue to struggle with the clean-up of the Fukushima site, and it
purposely began in 2023 to release still-contaminated
water into the Pacific Ocean. Nearby countries responded by banning fishing products
from the region.
As the industry often says, a nuclear accident anywhere is a
nuclear accident everywhere. After the Fukushima accident, the US nuclear
industry spent over $47 billion in safety
upgrades to respond to lessons learned from the Fukushima accident. These
included the realization that not only more than one reactor could fail at a
single power plant, but also that backup generators needed to be in safe
locations, not subject to flooding and other forms of failure; that generic
fittings for pumps and equipment were needed so that any nearby equipment could
be connected during an accident; that containments should be able to be vented
remotely; that natural events such as earthquakes and flooding could be
underestimated in the original reactor designs; and that spent fuel pools
needed to provide real-time data in accident conditions. The upgrades that
resulted from these lessons have greatly increased the safety of reactors in
the United States and elsewhere. They were required because each of these
upgrades was deemed necessary to address the lessons learned by the independent
regulator. On its own, the industry might not have undertaken any of these
What could go wrong? Several possible outcomes
could occur because of Trump’s new executive order assaulting the independence
of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
Proponents of small modular reactors, for instance,
have pressured Congress and the executive
branch to reduce regulation and hurry the NRC’s approval of their novel—and
unproven—reactor designs. They wish their reactors could be exempted from the
requirements that all other designs before them have had to meet: detailed evidence
that the reactors will operate safely under accident conditions. Instead, these
proponents—some with no experience in operating reactors—want the NRC to trust
their simplistic computer models of reactor performance and essentially give
them a free pass to deploy their untested technology across the country.
An accident with a new small modular reactor (SMR) would
perhaps not make such a big mess: After all, the source term of radiation would
be smaller than with large reactors, like those currently operating in the
United States. But the accident in Japan demonstrated that countries should
expect that more than one reactor at a given site can fail at the same time,
and these multiple failures can create even more dire circumstances, impeding
the authorities’ ability to respond to such a complex radiological emergency.
At Fukushima, the first explosion at Unit 1 generated radioactive debris that
prevented emergency responders from getting close to other damaged reactors
nearby. Since designers plan to deploy multiple SMR units to individual sites,
such an accidental scenario appears feasible with SMRs.
Since its creation in 1975, the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission has had an excellent and essential mission: to ensure the safety and
security of nuclear facilities and nuclear materials so that humans and the
environment are not harmed. Trump’s incursion means the agency will no longer
be able to fully follow through with this mission independently—and Americans
will be more at risk as a result. If any US reactor suffers a major accident,
the entire industry will be impacted—and perhaps its 94 reactors in operation
will even be temporarily shut down. Can the industry and the American people
afford the cost of losing the independence of the nuclear regulator?